La Rotonde
Hope Hunt and the Ascension into Lazarus
Hope Hunt and the Ascension into Lazarus
Hope Hunt and the Ascension into Lazarus

Hope Hunt and the Ascension into Lazarus

Hard-hitting | Gender | Deconstruction
Northern Ireland
May 28, 2024 7:30 PM
40 minutes
Member : $ 55 Reduced : $ 55 Regular : $ 65
1 artist on stage Meeting with the artists after the performance.

Show cancelled

The Hope Hunt and the Ascension into Lazarus + Navy Blue double bill is cancelled for reasons beyond our control. Ticket holders will receive a refund directly from their credit card or will be contacted by the Grand Théâtre de Québec.

Oona Doherty’s provocative works contain a visceral honesty haunted by Northern Ireland’s past. Drenched in ultra-virility and the unpolished energy of the streets, the solo explores the realities of a young white working-class male. Hope Hunt scrapes the asphalt to bounce back better, from gravity to hope, teetering between comedy and tragedy.

This unusual evening, imagined by Belfast artist Oona Doherty, features a series of explosive performances. First up is the hard-hitting Hope Hunt and the Ascension into Lazarus. It is followed by a lively DJ intermission and the presentation of the immense Navy Blue, where twelve performers will take the stage in a flamboyant contemporary ballet setting against the backdrop of the end of the world.

Co-presented with
Artistic team
In the media

Chorégraphie : Oona Doherty
Interprétation : Sati Veyrunes
DJ et chauffeur : John Gunning
Lumières : Lisa Marie Barry
Musique originale : Maxime Jerry Fraisse
Production : OD Works – Gabrielle Veyssiere, Oona Doherty
Soutien : Dance Resource Base, Art Council of Northern Ireland, The MAC Theatre – Belfast, Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival, British Council, Prime Cuts Production

Oona Doherty


Sati Veyrunes



« Une ode à la classe ouvrière, gracieuse et pleine d’audace »

— The Guardian

« Au lieu de répéter des stéréotypes plats, Doherty crée un portrait à plusieurs niveaux sur la classe et le genre, dans lequel la violence et la tendresse, le chagrin et le bonheur, le désespoir et l’utopie sont liés de manière complexe. »

— Festival Kampnagel

« Comme dans un tableau du Caravage, elle illumine les poseurs, les voyous, les mecs, les petits criminels et les voyous de ce solo d’une lumière blanche éblouissante. La frange de notre société, que l’Europe recrache à chaque coin de rue, se dresse pour devenir des oiseaux de paradis, ressuscités comme Lazare. »

— Tanzquartier Wien